Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The way he described the ocean and essence of sailing ran chills down my spine. The ocean on a dark still night like glass reflecting the stars above, looking down into the endless water, its surface is a sheet holding the stars right before your eyes and if you have not experienced that, there is no way you can imagine the beauty of it. Sailing at night when everyone else aboard is down below sleeping and you are on the deck steering, in near silence; all you hear is the water gently rocking against the boat and the creeks that the boat sings to you. All of a sudden i thin, thin line slowly creeps up from the horizon, as far as the eye can see. Slowly that line becomes a ribbon and then appears a small curve on the ribbon; the sun. As the sun rises, it's warmth climbs up your face and suddenly its not night time, its not cold. Day breaks and the night is gone. The times when a storm arises. Its hard. Exhaustion like you've never known forces you to dig deep, deeper than you ever knew you could go. When the storm calms, you're in a physical and mental state that overwhelms you, but knowing that you defeated that challenge makes it all worth it. Falling asleep is no challenge on the water, the motion of the waves is hypnotic and no thoughts channel through your mind, you just fall and stay asleep. The water like mercury and the moon as bright as the sun, a sailors world, an entrancing world.  

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