Saturday, February 19, 2011

you were supposed to be the rest of my life.
"My hap pily ever after. My crunchy peanut but ter soul mate.
I think of you every day, but it’s never a con scious act. More of a reflex in a con tin u ous stream of thoughts: the cover of the album that’s play ing, this tea is get ting cold, maybe I’ll go out tomor row, the way you looked the first time I saw you with your glasses on, I need to buy floss, the humid i fier needs refilling…
It’s never some thing I can help. There are reminders of you in the colours of every sun rise, in the cho ruses of my songs, in the back of my mind when I’m left to my own devices. You became a habit I never wanted to break.
I for got to give you this one too. It was sup posed to be us. We were sup posed to own the sky, to be it’s chil dren, danc ing under clouds you’d later paint. Sharing head phones on a bus, me in blue cardi gan, you with fab u lous hair. Walking to the gro cery store on sum mer nights; you’d cook, I’d do the dishes. Catching up on each oth ers days before drift ing off to sleep. All the every day stuff that would never feel ordi nary again as long as your hand was in mine.
It wasn’t sup posed to hap pen like this." - EQUIVOCALITY

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